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By Vince Mediaa

The 1940’s Argentina comes to the SF Stage this summer as the musical EVITA brings its passion and memorable score of ballads and anthems. The masterpiece EVITA is on stage through the 2024 season finale to coincide with the upcoming national election. Director Bill English chose Evita as his closing show at the close of this current season. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s and Tim Rice's pop-rock musical EVITA  was a huge success, running on Broadway for almost four years and winning the 1978 Tony Award for Best Musical. It is the story of a real life woman's rise to power and fame and features many iconic songs including the hit "Don't Cry For Me Argentina..”. Peron’s speeches were meant to incite fear and rage and they were combative, accusations were made against people who disagreed, on Eva’s radio station to only talk about how wonderful Peronism was. English’s craft team brings a sharp smaller cast to tell this epic musical.

Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber first sent his original recording of the EVITA songs to Hal Prince to get the producer involved, Prince responded, “Any musical that begins with a funeral can’t be all bad.”  And so the show has proven in its forty-three years on stages across the world and production’s is a crowd pleasing show featuring an energetic,touching, performance by Sophia Alawi, in the lead role. The clever choreography by the keen Nichole Hepler brings the cast striking a tango-fueled choreography, and the pulsating and driven orchestrations effectively mirrors the Peróns’ energy and drive, creative elements, and a superb six piece orchestra conducted by skilled music director, English,


English’s direction is framed, mostly, as a troupe of performers telling Eva's story, with a two story set designed by Heather Kenton to feature a screen for historic projections that she created. The cast of sixteen players easily moves on a two level set that is kept simple only to clearly feature the wonderful colors from Abra Berman’s costume design. Eva is Christian Dior to perfection with her iconic jackets, hats and jewels. This is a nice touch, placing this open view set that could be a palace or hotel setting with the behind the scenes tale of Eva and Perón.

The thrilling Rodriguez makes a totally believable Che with his solid built frame and coiled energy reminiscent of rock star, telegraphing that this watchdog never sleeps.  His singing can get that authentic rock gravel in “The Lady’s Got Potential” to the bitter bite with which he builds his case in the second act in songs like  “And the Money kept Rolling In.” The role of Perón can be a bit tough to play, since it doesn't have a lot of layers, but local favorite Rodriguez creates a realistic portrayal, effectively showing Perón as a caring, concerned person. The exceptional Rodriguez adds an element of class to the part of Peron, the man whom Eva first latches onto and who takes her to Buenos Aires. 

This able ensemble moves nimbly between the eclectic musical that Webber is famous for. From the first moment the chorus sings a classical Requiem, you can hear the authority of Dobrusky's orchestrations and the company’s blended sound. Suddenly we are plunged into straight rock “Oh What a Circus” then almost immediately into Latinate dance rhythms “Buenos Aires.” The exceptional voice and charm of Alawi has a wonderful solo in the number “Don;t Cry For Me Argentina” in the second act with Che and the ensemble is a show stopper. Lazo’s choreography is brilliant in the dance and production number “Peron's Latest Flame” and “She is a Diamond.”

Michael Oesch ’s scenic and light design is simple and effective, yet takes us to 1931 Argentina, and is excellent. The stage is constantly awash in streaming lights of different colors, including some deep, dark blues to balance the projections. Abra Berman's costumes are rich. Berman's challenges designers to come up in style to the original iconic designs made for the real Eva by Dior and other European fashion luminaries. The silver floor length ball gown in which Berman’s biggest number is superb. James Ard crisp sound design created great crowd sounds and kept the cast clear. Blue Hephaestus props included protest signs, and plenty of cocktail glasses. Robinson’s music direction is just as impressive with a combination of rich vocals from the entire cast and the distinct playing by the orchestra.

The San Francisco Playhoues’s exceptional cast and first rate creative elements make this a production for any theatre-lover looking for a big, bold musical set in the lovely County. The passion, power, and performance behind the story of Eva Perón's rise to power takes on new meaning in 2024 Trump America. EVITA is clever and must be seen as I saw it this month and back in the hey day.

The San Francisco Playhouse Presents


Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Lyrics by Tim Rice

Directed by Bill English

Music Director Dave Dobrusky

Choreography by Nicole Helfer

Must close September 7th, 2024

SF Playhouse, 

450 Post St., San Francisco, CA, United States, California

or by calling (415) 677-9596.



1 comentario

21 oct 2024

Дуже радий, що є така тематика, адже без новин на сьогоднішній день взагалі нікуди, тим більше без обговорення цих самих новин. Хочу сказати, що так само потрібно звертати увагу на те, де саме ви читаєте новини, я свого часу дуже довго шукав якісний новинний портал, який міг би мені надавати найактуальніші та перевірені новини. Але зараз, я легко можу читати актуальні новини з різних сфер діяльності, а саме по роботі про професію бібліотекаря, яка відкрилася мені зовсім з іншого боку, завдяки саме цьому новинному порталу. Та й взагалі завдяки йому не тільки професія бібліотекаря стала для мене зрозумілішою, а й багато інших професій, що дало мені більш об'ємне розуміння всіх різних областей діяльності.

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